WebCamMax - Review

WebCamMax is a fun publishing software through which you can publish your webcam live on most chat softwares like Paltalk, Skype, Yahoo, Bayluxe etc. This is a user friendly, easy to use software with interesting effects. You and your friends will love the features provided with the software. Effects library is ever increasing and users can download effects from online library too. Its a free software and its paid version comes with watermark free version that gives you the liberty to publish your effects with personalized feel.

Through WebCamMax you can also record the cams being published by your friends. The recorded output is light as far as file size is concerned, yet provides HD picture quality. Besides video recording, it also provides the option to capture still pictures. You can ask your friends to play their videos which can be converted in still pictures in state-of-the art image formats used in the industry.
WebCamMax comes with different options of publishing, if you are not willing to show your own face on camera. This is a virtual caming software that gives you multiple fun features to choose from.

The developers of software continually keep working to make it better and more user friendly. Their constant hard work has improved its GUI and functionality so friendly that people with very little knowledge about softwares can also use it without any difficulty. Even if you are trial/ evaluation version of the software, you are prompted for updates as soon as available. These updates are also free to download and use. Features of WebCamMax are characterized below: -


  • Animations categorized in relevant groups for easy identification.
  • User friendly.
  • Beautiful face masks and fun features to chose from easily identifiable list.
  • Free for use.
  • HD quality video recording with small file size.
  • High quality still pictures.
  • Different sizes of camera recording can be selected like full screen, partial screen or frame.
  • Regular updates even on free version.
  • Affordable price for lifetime license.
  • Compatible with all latest windows platforms like Win7, Win8, Win8.1 and Win10.
  • Recording of webcam is just like video camera recording with sound.

Problem Area

  • Cab be purchased through paypal account. Users residing at places where paypal account cannot be created find it difficult to purchase licensed copy of software.  

Overall Rating

My overall rating based on interface, ease of use, functionality, quality of service and ease of purchase is 8.5 out of 10.

Proposal for the WebCamMax Owners

Software should be made available for purchase through Credit Card or Google Wallet so that people who cannot have paypal accounts can also purchase the software.

If you want to have a virtual web camera or you are a audio/ video chatter on Skype, Paltalk, Bayluxe, Yahoo, Google chat this product is highly recommended for you to make your chat experience more fun and entertaining.

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