Wednesday 9 December 2015

General Raheel Sharif - The Essence

General Raheel Sharif is 15th Chief of Army Staff (COAS) of Pakistan Army. He was appointed as COAS on 27 November 2013 and is due to retire on completion of his tenure on 26 November 2016. Within two years in office as COAS, General Raheel Sharif has gained unprecedented support and backing of People of Pakistan. General took the charge as COAS when nation was in a state of pandemonium and uncertainty on different fronts. Terrorism was at its peak and suicidal attacks on every Friday had become a routine. Political government; instead of dealing with terrorists in the language they understood, was trying to hold peace talks with them. Situation in Karachi had gone worst, especially for business community who were beleaguered by extortionists and street criminals. Corruption in governmental institutions was at its peak and common people were exposed to unemployment, injustice, bad governance, and power crisis. 

General Raheel Sharif decided to fight against all social evils simultaneously and through concerted efforts of his team, he was not only able to gain control over most of the problems but also improved upon the general outlook of Pakistan internationally. He went head on at most challenging issues like terrorism in the country and law and order situation in Karachi. Immediately after taking over the command of Pakistan Army, he revised the methodology of military training and introduced more practical means in keeping the Armed Forces alert, trained, and ready for any combat operation. New weapons and equipment, specially to fight Close Quarter Battle (CQB) in Built Up Area (BUA), were developed and introduced for use by Infantry and Special Services Group (SSG).

On national front, General Raheel Sharif gained popularity as the most upright, brave, courageous, and firm leader within two years. This was made possible because of his revolutionary measures nationally and internationally to bring peace, stability, and improved foreign relations with other nations of the world. The gist of steps taken by him are as below: -
  • Start of Operation Zarb e Azb against Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other terrorists who were operating through Afghanistan and Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) of Waziristan was their safe heaven.
  • Start of Rangers operation in Karachi against target killers, vehicles and cell phones/ jewellery snatchers, murderers, kidnappers, and terrorists. This resulted in bringing peace and stability in Karachi; the economic hub of Pakistan. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, big fish and mainstream political leaders have been questions and their close aides have been arrested. This operation brought life back to Karachi and public has overwhelmingly supported the actions taken by Rangers.
  • Prompt and courageous decisions like implementation of death penalty, establishment of Military Courts for prosecution of terrorists and anti-state elements. It has not only frightened such elements of rapid decisions and execution but has also provided relief and protection to civilian judges in the courts of law who were threatened and terrorized by the criminals. Terrorists who has attacked and murdered children at Army Public School and College Peshawar, caused fiasco at Safoora Chorangi in Karachi killing passengers of Ismailia community, and other such incidents have been hanged. 
  • Improvement and capacity building of Pakistan's nuclear and missile technology program. Successful test fire of FM 90 Missile has enhanced the capacity of Pakistan's strategic defense. Pakistan has become leading nation in the region in missile technology. IDEAS 2015 and other Defense exhibitions have provided new buyers of Pakistani weapons and war material to include JF Thunder (F-7 Fighter Aircraft). 
  • Revisit of Pakistan's foreign policy with his personal interest. Steps in this regard have played vital role in paradigm shift of national foreign policy to enable improvement in the diminishing image of Pakistan in the comity of nations. Pakistan's relations have improved many fold with USA, Russia, China, Europe, and countries of South America through his personal visits and determined focus on national objectives.
  • Solid and strong support and determined measures on ground to make China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) a reality. Over and above Pakistan Government's agreements and signing of contracts, Pakistan Army, under the leadership of General Raheel has give surety to the neighboring sister country China for all kinds of protection, security, and peaceful work environment throughout the proposed corridor. This is the biggest project under foreign investment in the history of Pakistan and will bring job opportunities, industry, trade and prosperity nationwide.
  • General Raheel Sharif is a strong believer in Democratic System. Unlike previous instances of imposing martial law by his predecessors; during troubled times, he dealt with the situations with patience and provided opportunities to political leaders to resolve the issues. Keeping democratically elected government intact, he has always provided full backing of Pakistan Army for the continuity of civilian and elected representatives of people of Pakistan. 
  • For the first time, General Raheel Sharif implemented the process of accountability within Army. He dealt with the cases of corruption and misappropriation by senior officers in the Armed Forces and after thorough investigations/ inquiries, awarded severe punishments. This stern and bold action has been well received not only by all ranks of Pakistan Army but also by the civilian population. The mouths of those critics were also shut who used to bad mouth about the internal relaxation by Army Generals, whenever they started accountability of politicians, media, judiciary and civil bureaucracy.
  • Keeping the Armed Forces of Pakistan abreast with latest means of communication, he took revolutionary steps regarding civil-military relationships. Department of Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR); the institution to keep civilians informed about military, has been reshaped and improved. For the first time Officers of Armed Forces and ISPR in particular have been allowed, rather encouraged to use social media for enhanced interaction with public.
  • General Raheel has always responded to natural disasters not only in Pakistan but in the region. Pakistan Army has been ordered to respond to any untoward incident without waiting for formal instructions and initiative to deal with such situations has been delegated to lower command echelons of Armed Forces. He has always reached in person at sight of such mishaps and has lead from the front. Floods in Sawat, Earthquake in KPK and floods in Sindh are some of the examples. These are unprecedented examples and have given tremendous respect and support by people of Pakistan. In the region also, Pakistan has always been among the first nations to respond to any calls in the name of humanity. Pakistan Army's prompt response Nepal Earthquake is an example of such response.
  • Restoration of long suspended Defense Forces' Parade on 23rd March - In remembrance of 23 March 1940, when Resolution of Independence was passed at Lahore, is another very important courageous step taken by General Raheel. The parade was suspended due to Armed Forces' commitments in dealing with terrorists but restoration of parade has sent a vibe of security and stability to all Pakistanis.
Every individual has some personality traits which help him build the aura of every individual's outlook.  General Raheel Sharif carries the charisma of his personality, bravery, courage, uprightness but there is something more to all this that makes him so unique. General hails from a family that has military culture in his blood both from paternal and maternal side. His father, Major Sharif (late) was a profound officer. General Raheel's elder brother, Major Shabbir Sharif shaheed was a brave officer of Pakistan Army who was decorated twice. Due to his bravery and acts beyond the call of duty, he was awarded with Sitara e Jurr'at in Pak-India war 1965 and Nishan e Haider in Pak-India war of 1971. His maternal uncle, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed was also awarded Nishan e Haider. It is the highest gallantry award of Pakistan and has been awarded to only 11 Officers/ Other Ranks so far. Two of those 11 brave heroes of Pakistan are blood relations of General Raheel. He not only has to keep up with the qualities required out of an Army Chief but he also carries the legacy of two Nishan e Haiders. That makes him an extraordinary General and an examplary leader.
Because of his personality traits and the legacy of his brother and uncle, it is expected that he will act with the same elegance and wisdom when he is asked for extension in his service as COAS. He has already gained the rapport as a man of principles and uprightness. It is expected that he will simply step down from his appointment on its completion and will leave an example for others to follow.

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