Monday 26 October 2015

Making of PTI

Imran Khan of Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf (PTI)
Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) has effectively gained the position of a 3rd force in a political system of two parties in Pakistan. There are a number of factors that have played their role in bringing such a success to Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf. Some of the facts are driven by Imran Khan (born 1952) of PTI, whereas some are such ground realities of contemporary politics parties that have shifted the weight in favor of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf. Both factors are enumerated as strengths of PTI and weaknesses of other parties: -

Strengths of PTI

Personality Charisma of Imran Khan 

Imran Khan carries the legacy of his cricketing career. Pakistan won the only ICC Cricket World Cup under his captaincy and before he entered in politics he had a rapport of an hero. Besides his brilliant cricketing career, he also constructed Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital through charity. His funds collection campaign was well received by the masses and Pakistanis, not only in Pakistan but also in foreign countries supported the noble cause and gave him donations even out of the way. He is handsome, has a charming personality and carries an elegant aroma. In his youth he was a popular young man who was idealized by males and was a dream man for many women all over the world. 
His charming personality, talent in cricket and altruist activities made him a popular figure, especially in the urban areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwah, Punjab and Sindh. At early stages of political career, PTI revolved around this single factor and all the following PTI got was because of Imran Khan's personality. Mostly those who joined him were young, infamous, and ambitious people.

Personal Traits as Party Head

Although there have been some negative observations about Imran Khan in his personal capacity and his private life, his reputation as a party head/ national leader has always been upright. He is considered to be an honest, fair, and just leader whose hands are not polluted of any sort of corruption or financial embezzlement. Although his critics say that he has not been blamed of any venality because he has never been tested at any public office throughout his life. But whatever conduct he has displayed as a cricketer or as a philanthropist does suggest that given a chance, he will stand by his rapport.

PTI Targeted Youth

Since inception, Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf has large following of youth in the urban areas. Imran Khan realized this fact at the onset and exploited it in the interest of his party. During early stages of his political struggle, they were only the infamous young boys and girls who supported him, worked in his cause and gave basic shape to party's edifice.

Selective Membership of Party

In the start the strength of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf was that membership in general and party offices in particular were given to only those people who were not involved in any corruption or malpractices. This brought good name to the party and raised the hopes of common people that an honest alternate leadership was being introduced. Unfortunately, as the time passed,  PTI could not stick to its basic ideology and after a successful show of power at Iqbal Park Lahore in October 2011, doors of PTI were opened for everyone. Most of the politicians who were discarded by their previous parties, charged of corruption, and rejected by people joined PTI and ultimately pocketed party's lead positions in their pockets.

Slogan of "Building New Pakistan"

Imran Khan, famous for his cricket captaincy and social works (Shaukat Khanam Cancer Hospital and Namal Educational project), gave new hope to people of Pakistan in the shape of ending long ongoing War on Terror, equal educational opportunities for all, justice at common man's door step, and corruption free social and governmental system. Collectively he gave it the name of "Building New Pakistan". People in Pakistan, who were sick and tired of terrorism, different education systems for rich and poor classes, corruption of politicians and governmental machinery, and unjust and lengthy legal system, overwhelmingly supported PTI for this hope of change.

Vibrant Methodology to Attract Public

Instead of using conventional, orthodox and formal means of addressing public gatherings and delivering scripted speeches, PTI introduced new and vibrant methods to include resonant music, emotionally high-pitched ostentatious speeches, and use of street language; which was considered as against the norms. This created excitement in youth and they were always hyped to attend such public gatherings. Such mood and atmosphere changed PTI's public gatherings into eventful festivity and a source of entertainment.

Weaknesses of Other Parties

These were not only the strengths of PTI and its leadership that rose the party to its present eminence but there are some external factors or weaknesses of other political parties that led to the success of PTI. Some of the factors are listed below: -

Pakistan Peoples' Party

Mr. Asif Zardari, co-chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party, had number of times repeated a sentence of his wife Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (late) that Democracy was the best Revenge. To prove it right, the best revenge he took was from Pakistan Peoples Party itself. Peoples Party; in the times of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto, was known as a single political force that was symbol of federation in all provinces of Pakistan. It had deep rooted influence in urban and rural areas in all the four provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan, Kashmir, and FATA. Asif Zardari, through his corruption, nepotism, and sheer mismanagement of governance; during PPP's rule from 2008 to 2013, squeezed PPP countrywide and trammelled it as a political pressure group in rural areas of Sindh province only.
In 2008 General Elections, PPP won majority sympathy votes after the murder of Benazir Bhutto and formed a coalition government in center, Khyber Pakhtunkwah, Balochistan and Sindh. Peoples' Party had deep roots in farmer and workers class since its inception as its founder and former President/ Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto gave socialistic philosophy and his slogan of roti (food), kapra (clothes), and makan (shelter for living) got overwhelming popularity in poor class of Pakistani masses. Zardari government from 2008 to 2013 failed to address any problems of common people. Pakistan was facing severe energy crises, terrorism and unemployment. Governmental institutions were at the verge of bankruptcy. Pakistan Railways, Pakistan International Airlines Corporation, Pakistan Steel Mills, Oil and Gas Development Company, Water and Power Development Authority, Sui Northern and Sui Southern Gas Companies, and State Bank of Pakistan had deteriorated to the extent of failure. People were subjected to social injustice, unemployment was at its prime, corruption and bribery was common in all governmental departments, hospitals and institutions of public health were in shambles, education system was counter productive. Political leaders did not address any issues of public and never tried to provide any relief or solution to the miseries of people. This worsened the social system in Pakistan while Zardari and his gang remained busy in plundering national wealth for private gains.
Due to the poor performance and apathetic approach towards resolve of peoples' concerns, a big leadership vacuum was created by PPP in most parts of the country. Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf; due to its slogan of "New Pakistan" and hope for change filled in this gap successfully.

Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz)

Leadership of PML-N to include Mian Nawaz Shareef and Mian Shahbaz Sharif were exiled during the tenure of Pervez Musharraf. They were eager to return to the country at all cost. During the military regime Nawaz Shareef of PML-N and Benazir Bhutto of PPP signed an accord named Charter of Democracy (COD). According to COD both parties reached at an agreement to safeguard democracy in Pakistan and to take measures to prevent any future adventure by military Generals to topple democratically elected governments in Pakistan. At the face of it, COD looked as an impressive document for stability of democracy but practically it proved to be a mutual agreement of protection of personal benefits of both the parties. PML-N, during Zardari regime from 2008- 2013, acted in such a way that they were known as "friendly" opposition in the Parliament. They fully cooperated with PPP in the center and ruled in Punjab. Despite few political movements and street politics against PPP government's policies, they never posed any serious opposition in the parliament. In real, both parties had decided to take turns in power for one tenure of five years with Punjab being with PML-N and rural Sindh with PPP.
Before exile, Nawaz Shareef and Shahbaz Shareef also tried to mobilize people in Punjab province under the slogan of Jaag Punjabi Jaag (O Punjabis, wake up). This was to make Punjabis stand up for their rights and to make them aware that other provinces; under the garb of being poor, were eating up national resources unjustly. This did not get major support in Punjab but created a serious wave of hatred for Punjabis in the hearts of Balochis, Pakhtuns, and Sindhis. PML-N, due to its friendly opposition and Jaag Punjabi Jaag kind of hateful approach lost its support in most parts of the country. In Punjab, PML-N ruled for 5 times but they concentrated on development of Lahore major cities of Punjab, especially Lahore: the native city of Nawaz Shareef and Shahbaz Shareef. This adversely effected their popularity in Southern and Central Punjab that comprises of poor and farmer class of people living mostly in rural areas.
Leadership of PML-N consisted of businessmen and their anti-farmer policies restricted their support to major cities like Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Faisalabad only. PML-N, once posing serious threat to PPP remained confined to urban areas of Punjab only. This also favored PTI to gain popularity, especially in the Pashtun and Hazara areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwah.

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)

In Urban areas of Sindh, especially in Karachi, Hyderabad and Mirpur Khas, MQM had achieved politically monopolistic majority since majority of population in these areas were Mohajirs (migrants) from India at the time of independence in 1947. Altaf Hussain, the founder leader of MQM; while being in self-exile in UK, led his party successfully till 2008. Thereafter, due to his bad health, internal politics of the party, and his alleged involvement in anti-state activities loosened his grip over the party affairs. His public telephonic addresses in the recent past put oil to the burning flame. He is also facing interrogation in UK for the charges of murder of his former colleague, Dr. Imran Farooq as well as charges of being involved in money laundering.
On MQM's petition to launch an operation in Karachi by Army was acceded to by the federal government and Sindh Rangers (a segment of Civil Armed Forces) were tasked to start a neutral but intense operation across the board to restore peace in protracted turbulent port city of Karachi. More Pakistan Rangers dug the ground realities, more criminal activities of MQM were revealed. MQM was found guilty of criminal activities to the tune of providing protection to prosecuted fugitive criminals at their headquarters called 90. Rangers also apprehended serial and target killers who confessed that they were part of MQM and had indulged in criminal murders on the orders of top MQM leadership.
In the recent past, the speeches of Altaf Hussain were so poisonous and harmful to the state that court had to put a ban on his public appearance in media, broadcast of his address or any other form of reaching out to public. This has helped PTI to appear as alternate political force in urban areas of Sindh. Although MQM has deep roots and if MQM leadership decides to carry out their political activities with minus Altaf formula accepted, they can still keep PTI out of political business in urban areas.    

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