Saturday 24 September 2016

Finally he spoke

Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef addressing UN General Assembly
Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef addressing UN General Assembly represented true feelings of people of Pakistan as well as of Jammu and Kashmir. Back home, known as a close friend of Narendra Modi of India, he faced a lot of criticism soon after he took oath as Prime Minister of Pakistan for the third time. His soft policies and friendlier attitude towards India was not liked by people of Pakistan. He was accused of preferring his business interests and personal ties with Modi and other business tycoons over national interests of Pakistan. At number of occasions his acts of kindness or silence were marked negatively at domestic front. Some of such occasions were: meeting with Indian top businessmen along with his son, when he visited India at oath taking ceremony of Modi, invitation to Modi to attend his granddaughter's marriage and treating him as state guest on the private ceremony, on the arrest of Kalboshan Yadev, a serving senior officer of Indian Navy, caught red handed in Balochistan, engaged in espionage operations, and during Indian violation of cease fire agreement in Kashmir.
Due to recent carnages in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) by occupant Indian Army and killing of young Kashmiri freedom fighter Burhan Muzzaffar Wani, a fresh, indigenous  uprising for freedom has risen in IHK. To check this recent movement, Indian Army has launched grand scale operation in IHK killing more than a hundred innocent citizen and injuring so many. For the riots control, Indian Law Enforcing Agencies (LEAs) have used pallet guns that, when fired, spread pallets at the target injuring body, face and eyes. Around two hundred citizen have been blinded due to pallet injuries. Under these conditions, Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef was expected to raise his voice in UN so that Kashmir cause was highlighted to the world and comity of nations could be moved for the end of atrocities in Kashmir and grant right of self determination to people of Kashmir.
A couple of days before the speech of Nawaz Shareef was scheduled, India staged a drama in IHK. A raid was launched at an Infantry Brigade Headquarters in Uri area of IHK and immediately after the raid was executed, Indian leadership, armed forces and media started blaming Pakistan to have masterminded the raid. The claim of India was void of any material evidences but was a good try to nullify the effects of probable speech to be made by Nawaz Shareef.
Under these circumstances, when Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef was offered the pulpit to address UN General Assembly, he seemed thoroughly prepared to fight the case of Kashmir. He covered all the aspects of Kashmir issue and highlighted the brutalities being committed by Indian LEAs in Jammu and Kashmir. For the first time in his reign he seemed so openly speaking against India, while generally, he has always been known as  "tilted" towards India due to his personal business interests. Some of the strong points in his speech were: -
  • Reminding UN that Kashmir issue was the oldest unresolved problem in UN and people of Kashmir have been waiting the UN to fulfil her 70 years old promises made to them. 
  • Mentioning brutalities of Indian LEAs and the inhuman methods adopted by them to curb the freedom movement.
  • By name mentioning the killing of young freedom fighter leader Burhan Muzzaffar Wani and highlighting the fact that Indian Army was denying basic human rights of treatment, education, and civic facilities by imposing curfew in IHK, closure of schools, and paucity of food and grains.
  • Reassuring that Pakistan will keep supporting Kashmir cause and shall provide all diplomatic, ethical, and political support for their just demand of the right of self determination.
Prime Minister's speech was well received by all quarters in the country, however, some rightly pointed out the ways which could make it more fruitful and befitting to make the world understand how India was playing dirty in the region. Some valid observations about his address to UN are: -
  • It lacked emotions and was like mere paper reading without the involvement of inner feelings.
  • In his speech Prime Minister did not make a mention about Kalboshan Yadev and his active involvement in distress being tried in Balochistan.
  • He did not mention anything about Indian arrangements in Afghanistan against Pakistan and how India was trying to establish a nexus between Afghanistan and anti-state elements in Pakistan.
  • Funding of anti-Pakistan elements and pressure groups like Altaf Hussain club by RAW to make unrest in Karachi was not highlighted, despite having clear documentary and circumstantial evidences available at hand.
Besides these shortcoming, Nawaz Shareef was widely criticised of taking his family members along and making them sit as members of official delegate in the conferences he attended in USA. This could have been avoided and was totally unbecoming of a responsible statesman.
Where everyone appreciated the contents of his speech, it will be unjust if due mention and credit is not given to those who made him speak so openly against India: something unprecedented and unexpected from him. The credit must be given to: -
  • General Raheel Sharif and his team who not only briefed Prime Minister on all aspects of the situation but also got the speech drafted with the best and the most operative diplomatic language.
  • Pakistani political leadership and media who pressurized him to break his long overdue silence and openly present the case of Kashmir to the world.
  • Diplomats and especially the team in UN and USA who prepared and provided him the platform for his speech.
  • China, Turkey, and OIC who assured their full support for the Kashmir cause.
  • People of Pakistan who are wholeheartedly and ever ready to support people of Kashmir and have always stood shoulder to shoulder with them for their right to live they way they want as a free society.
  • Social media activists who contributed in pressurizing him to openly support people of Kashmir subject to Indian brutal firing and facing the hardships of shortage of food, water, medicines due to long enforced curfew.

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