Tuesday 21 October 2014

Another Robbery

Despite his controversial dreams, predictions about his age to be 63 years, unsuccessful sit-in in Islamabad in 2012 for electoral reforms, and other conspiracy theories about him like "London Plan", "Planted by CIA" etc, his call was once again responded by poor people overwhelmingly. Dr. Tahir ul Qadri of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) asked his people to stand up against the corrupt system and gave a call of "peaceful agitation" against the government. His uprising started in May 2014 and in the month of June, about 100 of PAT's workers were fired upon by Punjab Police, out of which 14 laid their lives.

This brutal act of 14 state backed murders gave new blood to Dr. Tahir ul Qadri's movement and he announced to sit-in at Islamabad on 14 August 2014 (day of creation of Pakistan in 1947). His call was honoured by his allies parties like Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid-e-Azam) - PML (Q), Muttehada Sunni Council (United Sunni Counsil), and Majlis e Wehdat ul Muslimeen (MWM). The points for which Dr. Tahir ul Qadri launched his movement were: -
  • Resignation of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef (Prime Minister of Pakistan), Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Shareef (Chief Minister of Punjab Province), Federal and Provincial Ministers, and Police authorities alleged to be involved in Model Town fiasco that resulted in killing of 14 people.
  • Implementation of first 40 suspended articles of the constitution that speak of providing basic facilities and rights to common people.
  • Dissolution of National and Provincial Assemblies and formulation of a National Government based on technocrats and specialists of different field.
  • Accountability of corruption cases of politicians and bureaucrats and punishments to the culprits under a transparent accountability process to be started by National Government.
  • Free and fair elections after the accountability process which were to be contested on the basis of "participatory" democracy where common people were to be empowered and given their due share in government.
Dr. Tahir ul Qadri collaborated with Imran Khan of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) as PTI was also demanding accountability and audit of May 2013's General Elections and demanded accountability of malpractices during the elections. Before starting his long march he addressed a big gathering at his headquarters in Model Town Lahore and had announced that public may shoot him or Imran Khan, whosoever withdraws the call of Islamabad sit-in without having achieved their goals.

At the start of sit-in on night 14-15 August 2014, both the parties were successful in arranging big gatherings and the sit-in started with full zeal and fervour. After a few days when they thought that their sit-in opposite to Jinnah Stadium, Islamabad will have no impact in pressurizing the government, both PTI and PAT decided to move to red zone of Islamabad (an area around constitution avenue with President House, Parliament Building, Supreme Court of Pakistan, Foreign Office Building, Prime Minister Secretariat, Pakistan Secretariat (offices of different federal ministries), Pakistan Television and Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Buildings astride the road. This move forward was against the terms and code of conduct of the sit-in mutually agreed between these two parties and the government. Government once again used force against the people of both parties who violated the code of conduct. This resulted in more losses of lives and injuries to common people whereas the leaders remained mounted in bullet proof vehicles.

During 69 days' longest ever sit-in the modern history, people suffered all kinds of natural and governmental atrocities for the noble cause and empowerment of commoners. They faced the sever summers, bore heavy monsoon rains, wind storms and spent nights in the open sky. People were of the view that this time their leader was determined and will not leave them bewildered. The sit-in gave hope to the nation that those sitting at D-Square at Islamabad were fighting for their rights. Common men from all over the country gave their full moral support to these people sitting in the sit-in. Political workers from other parties like Pakistan Peoples' Party and even ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) had their sympathies towards the workers of PAT. Electronic media of Pakistan provided their full assistance and support to Dr. Tahir ul Qadri but on the night of 21-22 Oct 2014, Dr. Tahir ul Qadri once again betrayed the people of Pakistan and called off his sit-in at Islamabad.

His call was proven a false alarm and he, after having caused so much loss to national economy, lives of people, having made people suffer all sorts of hazards of heat, rains, hail storms etc, and having endangered their lives, Dr. Tahir ul Qadri, once again twisted and chewed his own words. Changed his stance and without having achieved a single goal of his sit-in called it off, leaving following questions unanswered: -
  • Did Prime Minister, Chief Minister or any other nominated culprits of Model Town Debacle resign?
  • Have people been empowered through implementation of first 40 articles of the constitution of Pakistan?
  • Have the assemblies been dissolved and a national government formed?
  • Should Dr. Tahir ul Qadri be shot dead as per his own statement that anyone withdrawing from sit-in should be shot?
  • Have the families of martyrs of Model Town and Islamabad been provided with justice or shall the blame of their killings be shifted to Dr. Tahir ul Qadri?
  • Will people (other than his own religious followers who are brainwashed thoroughly) trust him again and act on his call in future?
  • Will PAT gain popularity vote in any of the forthcoming elections and come into power to change the corrupt system through parliamentary means?
  • Has Dr. Tahir ul Qadri not breached his trustworthiness and acceptance in general public.

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