Saturday 22 October 2016

What is PML (N) made of


Pakistan was created under the leadership of All India Muslim League in 1947. All India Muslim League was single representative of Muslims of sub-continent with over whelming majority and support of people. Opposite Muslim political parties of that time like Nationalist Party and some politico-religious parties established by religious clerics were either in minority or opposed the idea of  division of India. With the legacy of being the founder political party, Muslim League has always been considered as a popular ideological political entity in Pakistan. People of Pakistan have traditionally had special affiliation to Muslim League for its political principles and objectives. With the same character, every military ruler of Pakistan introduced his own faction of Muslim League to establish political rule in Pakistan. Soon after the demise of its founder members, All India Muslim League; that had renamed itself as Pakistan Muslim League after independence, split into different factions till it was reunited and rejuvenated by Field Marshall Muhammad Ayub Khan, the first military ruler of Pakistan.
In 1971, after separation of Esat Pakistan (Now Bangladesh), Pakistan Peoples Party came into power with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto as popular civilian ruler. During his reign, Pakistan Muslim League had almost disappeared till it was again reorganised by General Zia ul Haq for creating political activities during his military rule in mid 80s. Since then Pakistan's politics evolved into a two party party political system with Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League taking turns in the government.

Creation of PML (N)


 In the early 80s, General Muhammad Zia ul Haq, after his military coup and take over in 1977, was forced to start political activities in the country. He evolved the methodology of strong presidential system in the country as himself being the Chief Martial Law Administrator and President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan with impotent parliament that could act as a rubber stamp to legitimate all his law making Presidential Orders. To assuage the overwhelming support and deep routed impact of Pakistan Peoples Party, on common people, in all the four provinces, General Zia ul Haq and his team studied the dynamics and worked out a strategy which left long impact on the political future of Pakistan. The steps taken under that strategy in all the four provinces were: -
  • Balochistan - Baloch nationalists were brought in lime light and united they were made part of Pakistan Muslim League.
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Then North Western Frontier Province) - Some of the religious clerics were made to form Pakistan Muslim League and other relatively staunch fundamentalists were added in Jamat Islami and Jamiat Ulema Islam (JUI) and their alliance was formulated as B team in case Muslim League failed to make any headway in the province.
  • Sindh (also spelled as Sind) - A considerable number of Urdu speaking community that had migrated to Pakistan on Independence settled in urban areas of Sindh. They always felt as they were deprived of their rights and were not satisfied with the power game in Sindh which was mostly in the hands of influential native landlords and Waderas (chieftains of local areas). Those migrants were united under the umbrella of Mohajir Qaumi Movement (MQM) and were made to rise against Peoples Party.
  • Punjab - A wealthy industrialist from Lahore was required to stand against the feudal chieftains and Chaudhrys who led Punjab politics. Lieutenant General Ghulam Jilani Khan, the then Governor of Punjab and a trusted deputy of General Zia ul Haq was tasked to search for such an industrialist. Initially he picked a leading industrialist and textile industry tycoon from Lahore named Shahzada Alam Monnoo (1936-2014) of Monnoo Group of Industries. Due to his lack of interest in politics and inclination towards social welfare work, he was dropped and Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef of Ittefaq Foundries was elevated as the first choice. Ambitious Nawaz Shareef stood to the call and thus was made part of Pakistan Muslim League. He was made Finance Minister of Punjab province and then Chief Minister. He remained Chief Minister of Punjab for two terms. Second term was under Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan Peoples Party, who was elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan after the military rule of Zia ul Haq ended.
In 1993, after the death of Muhammad Khan Junejo (1932-1993), the Prime Minister of Pakistan and President of Pakistan Muslim League under Zia's rule, Muslim League got split into two and a separate faction in Sindh already existed. Three main splits were: -
  • Pakistan Muslim League (Functional) PML (F) - under Syed Shah Mardan Shah (1943-2012) (Pir Pagaro) and was mostly active in Sindh being the spiritual leader of Hurs.
  • Pakistan Muslim League (Junejo) PML (J) - under Hamid Nasir Chattha (1944 -  ), who disagreed to the procedure of selection of Nawaz Shareef as President of Muslim League and parted ways.
  • Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) PML (N) - under Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef (1949 - ). On the demise of Muhammad Khan Junejo, Nawaz Shareef invited leaders of Pakistan Muslim League for tea at his residence in Islamabad. During the get together, he proposed his name as the new president of the party and since then the faction is named as Nawaz League or Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) abbreviated as PML (N) or PML-N. When General Pervez Musharraf took over after a successful military coup against Nawaz Shareef's government in 1999, Nawaz Shareef and his family went into self-exile after signing an agreement with Musharraf and Nawaz League split into two again, This time the parting faction was called Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid e Azam) PML (Q) under Chaudhry Shujja'at Hussain. PML (Q) joined hands with Musharraf and formed political government under his military rule.

 The Fibre of PML (N)

Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) has peculiar and some unprecedented features in its political formation as discussed below: -
  • Like previous Muslim Leagues, after creation of Pakistan, PML (N) was also given birth by a military dictator. Since its inception it lacked democratic culture within the party. The leaders once elected/ declared have never given away their authority and have treated the party as their family domain. Due to frequent and continuous rule in Punjab and in the Centre, the party has turned into a family dynasty.
  • As is a famous saying - Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, the party has evolved a feudal  system in it where the leader is considered as above all sorts of laws and regulations. Words of the leader are considered as the final verdict and a binding over its policies. This feudal culture in the party has snatched away any rights of its members or the common followers to take part in any kind of policy making or decision process.
  • Before the creation of Nawaz League, corruption in politics was considered a moral crime but they are the pioneers to invent financial corruption and bribing elected members of national as well as provincial assemblies to vote for them. The term "Horse Trading" was invented for this and they started this rancorous tradition of buying the loyalties of elected representatives through heavy cash or favours in kind. They bought the loyalties of elected members of Punjab Provincial Assembly and also of National Assembly and literally kept in protective custody at Changa Manga and in a rest house in Murree till the time they voted for PML (N) in the assemblies.
  • Nepotism reached to its prime during the rule of PML (N). Due to the fears in his nature, Nawaz Shareef lacks trust on people whom he does not know well. For this reason, he is known for appointing his close relatives, family members and friends in the close circle at key appointments and ministries. This has failed the merit, capability and capacity standards of a democratic system. Entire statesmanship revolves around this group of people around him.
  • Leadership of PML (N) has a history of being rival to any one who they are threatened from. National institutions in their rule have been neutralized, penalized and even attacked. During his first term in office as Prime Minister, his party leaders attacked Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP) and Chief Justice had to escape through window to save himself. He fired two services chiefs (Army Chief and Naval Chief). All appointments done at important institutions are out of merit or the heads are promoted out of turn, and/or left vacant. 
  • False and lucrative promises to public in political addresses is the common practice. Where ever Nawaz Shareef goes for public address, announces big developmental projects or relief packages but when the time passes, nothing material is done for the betterment of people.
  • All developmental projects are Punjab, specially Lahore based since Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef and his brother Chief Minister of Punjab Shahbaz Shareef belong to Lahore. This has created lot of resentment and discontentment in the people of other cities and provinces.
  • As a policy PML (N) prefers working the developmental projects that are visible on ground such as motorways, bridges, and over/ under passes etc. This is done to mention them during their election campaigns and during interviews to national and international media to boast upon. They pay no heed projects in health, education or social development because such expenditure is not visible on ground. This has deprived of people of basic health, education, employment and entertainment facilities.
  • Being from industrial background, they have run the affairs as a private franchise. Democracy to them is just to purchase votes at general elections and for the remaining five years in the government the country is run through aristocracy. 
  • To deal with the burning issues, PML (N) has evolved a policy of "being apathetic". On major issues they do not react when people look towards them for an official response. Recent examples are apprehension of a serving Indian military officer Kulboshan Singh Yadev, involved in espionage and supporting terrorists inside Pakistan's territory, Statements of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi about Indian involvement and contribution towards anti-state activities in Balochistan, evidences of involvement of Altaf Hussain of MQM in anti-state activities in Sindh and funding from Indian RAW.
Keeping the tendencies and attitude of PML (N) towards different issues and their methodology to deal with political issues, their mindset can be summed up in one line as: -
"Everything is for sale, you just have to offer appropriate bid to buy it".   

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Imran Khan Locks Down Islamabad

PTI leader Imran Khan, in pursuit of stern action against Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef, having allegedly involved in corruption and illegal money trafficking, has announced locked down of the capital city Islamabad on 2 November. Isolated on political front and not being supported by opposition parties of the country, Imran Khan has taken intrepid decision to go for solo flight against the government and to bring the purported prime minister to justice.

Imran Khan had first decided to go for lock down of capital on 30 October (Sunday) but later, through consultations with party leaders extended it to 2nd November. He has put forth two demands and has announced that unless either of the demands is met, lock down shall continue. The demands are - either Nawaz Shareef shall resign from the office of premiership or he shall present himself for accountability. 

Imran Khan in close collaboration with Dr. Tahir ul Qadri of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) had fruitlessly sit in for almost four months in 2014 demanding resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef and had to quit due to non-persistent policies and demands. People lost interest and allegedly his ally Tahir ul Qadri had reached to an underhand deal with the government to end the sit in.
As soon as Panama papers were made public, it acted as a catalyst for Imran Khan who was already making hue and cry at every platform against the corruption and money laundering of Shareef family. Imran Khan immediately raised his voice and demanded stern accountability against the facts mentioned in Panama papers. His demanding reaction forced Nawaz Shareef to appear on national TV to address the nation twice as well as to make a speech in the parliament and clarify the allegations. Unfortunately his justifications on all the three occasions contradicted and lacked chronology of events. This caused further disappointment among the opposition and they wanted proper investigation of the charges levied against Nawaz Shareef and his family members.
Having failed to launch a combined movement of all the opposition parties, who parted away on one pretext or the other, and on cold response of Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), National Accountability Bureau (NAB), Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), and Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP), PTI decided to launch a solo show near Raiwind - the farm house and residence of Nawaz Shareef in the suburbs of Lahore. The show was extraordinarily outstanding and thousands of people showed up on the call of Imran Khan against Nawaz Shareef and family. Imran Khan, during his public address at the occasion announced locking down the capital so that functioning of government could be stopped under a corrupt premier. 
To neutralize the pressure of Imran Khan's demands, two steps have been immediately taken by the treasury benches. First, SCP decided to enlist the petition of PTI, against the alleged corruption of Nawaz Shareef, for hearing by the panel of justices. Second, Speaker of the National Assembly sent the reference of disqualification of Prime Minister to ECP on the plea of hiding the facts from the Parliament, thus being ineligible to hold the office of Prime Minister under the constitution of Pakistan. Both these steps are received by people as delaying tactics and to gain time through official procedures and file work.
Imran Khan has demanded one of the two steps and has announced that lock down of Islamabad will continue till one of the two demands are fulfilled. the two demands put forth by PTI are: -
  • Resignation of Nawaz Shareef from premiership.
  • Nawaz Shareef to present himself for accountability.
Both these demands are criticized by opponents based on past behavior of PTI and response of accountability institutions. Major criticism is:-

Demand of Resignation

In 2014 PTI had sat in Islamabad for more than four months for the demand of resignation of Prime Minister on the charges of corruption, nepotism in governmental departments and appointments of close relatives of Shareef family on key appointments, and adverse governance. After four months, taking the plea of attack on Army Public School Peshawar by terrorists, Imran Khan decided to wind up the sit in. After the sit in, the speeches made by Imran Khan at different occasions and his reaction on several national issues dictated that he has shown his failure in demand and was found unable to justify his stance of asking the resignation of the premier. He also reversed his decision of resigning from National Assembly and he, along with all his elected members came back to assembly. Due to his turnabouts it is perceived by serious circles that he will again fail his demand and will end his protest as long as people lose interest.

Prime Minister to present himself for Accountability

The foremost question to this demand is - present before who? NAB has already stated that accountability without evidences is beyond their constitutional purview. FIA is not empowered enough to take any positive steps. Lastly SCP has already announced that the petition against Nawaz Shareef will be heard by them. So what is the forum left where Imran Khan wants Nawaz Shareef to present himself? This question remains unanswered by Imran Khan and his party so this demand, in itself, becomes equivocal. According to Imran Khan himself, all governmental functionaries and key appointment holders are loyal and trusted meek employees of Nawaz Shareef, so to what institution is he asking Nawaz Shareef to present himself for accountability? In case SCP, NAB or FIA clears Nawaz Shareef of all the charges levied on him, will Imran Khan accept the decision and accept that Nawaz Shareef was not involved in money laundering, tax evasion, plundering of public money, and purchase of foreign properties without proper money trail of his wealth?

Besides the criticism on his demands, questions are also being raised on the permanency of his stand, extent and duration of his lock down, especially when he is going for it in isolation and no other political party; even his previous allies, are supporting his call. PTI has also to cater for the alternate courses if government uses power against them and house arrests its leaders to avoid public unrest.

This, in any case is the last chance for Imran Khan to remain in politics. If he fails this time, he will leave political playground wide open to PML-N (in other words Nawaz Shareef Family) because next general elections are due in My 2018 and there will be no challenging opposition for PML-N especially in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan. This will be fair enough opportunity for Nawaz Shareef and company to form governments in center as well as in said provinces.  

Saturday 24 September 2016

Finally he spoke

Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef addressing UN General Assembly
Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef addressing UN General Assembly represented true feelings of people of Pakistan as well as of Jammu and Kashmir. Back home, known as a close friend of Narendra Modi of India, he faced a lot of criticism soon after he took oath as Prime Minister of Pakistan for the third time. His soft policies and friendlier attitude towards India was not liked by people of Pakistan. He was accused of preferring his business interests and personal ties with Modi and other business tycoons over national interests of Pakistan. At number of occasions his acts of kindness or silence were marked negatively at domestic front. Some of such occasions were: meeting with Indian top businessmen along with his son, when he visited India at oath taking ceremony of Modi, invitation to Modi to attend his granddaughter's marriage and treating him as state guest on the private ceremony, on the arrest of Kalboshan Yadev, a serving senior officer of Indian Navy, caught red handed in Balochistan, engaged in espionage operations, and during Indian violation of cease fire agreement in Kashmir.
Due to recent carnages in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) by occupant Indian Army and killing of young Kashmiri freedom fighter Burhan Muzzaffar Wani, a fresh, indigenous  uprising for freedom has risen in IHK. To check this recent movement, Indian Army has launched grand scale operation in IHK killing more than a hundred innocent citizen and injuring so many. For the riots control, Indian Law Enforcing Agencies (LEAs) have used pallet guns that, when fired, spread pallets at the target injuring body, face and eyes. Around two hundred citizen have been blinded due to pallet injuries. Under these conditions, Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef was expected to raise his voice in UN so that Kashmir cause was highlighted to the world and comity of nations could be moved for the end of atrocities in Kashmir and grant right of self determination to people of Kashmir.
A couple of days before the speech of Nawaz Shareef was scheduled, India staged a drama in IHK. A raid was launched at an Infantry Brigade Headquarters in Uri area of IHK and immediately after the raid was executed, Indian leadership, armed forces and media started blaming Pakistan to have masterminded the raid. The claim of India was void of any material evidences but was a good try to nullify the effects of probable speech to be made by Nawaz Shareef.
Under these circumstances, when Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef was offered the pulpit to address UN General Assembly, he seemed thoroughly prepared to fight the case of Kashmir. He covered all the aspects of Kashmir issue and highlighted the brutalities being committed by Indian LEAs in Jammu and Kashmir. For the first time in his reign he seemed so openly speaking against India, while generally, he has always been known as  "tilted" towards India due to his personal business interests. Some of the strong points in his speech were: -
  • Reminding UN that Kashmir issue was the oldest unresolved problem in UN and people of Kashmir have been waiting the UN to fulfil her 70 years old promises made to them. 
  • Mentioning brutalities of Indian LEAs and the inhuman methods adopted by them to curb the freedom movement.
  • By name mentioning the killing of young freedom fighter leader Burhan Muzzaffar Wani and highlighting the fact that Indian Army was denying basic human rights of treatment, education, and civic facilities by imposing curfew in IHK, closure of schools, and paucity of food and grains.
  • Reassuring that Pakistan will keep supporting Kashmir cause and shall provide all diplomatic, ethical, and political support for their just demand of the right of self determination.
Prime Minister's speech was well received by all quarters in the country, however, some rightly pointed out the ways which could make it more fruitful and befitting to make the world understand how India was playing dirty in the region. Some valid observations about his address to UN are: -
  • It lacked emotions and was like mere paper reading without the involvement of inner feelings.
  • In his speech Prime Minister did not make a mention about Kalboshan Yadev and his active involvement in distress being tried in Balochistan.
  • He did not mention anything about Indian arrangements in Afghanistan against Pakistan and how India was trying to establish a nexus between Afghanistan and anti-state elements in Pakistan.
  • Funding of anti-Pakistan elements and pressure groups like Altaf Hussain club by RAW to make unrest in Karachi was not highlighted, despite having clear documentary and circumstantial evidences available at hand.
Besides these shortcoming, Nawaz Shareef was widely criticised of taking his family members along and making them sit as members of official delegate in the conferences he attended in USA. This could have been avoided and was totally unbecoming of a responsible statesman.
Where everyone appreciated the contents of his speech, it will be unjust if due mention and credit is not given to those who made him speak so openly against India: something unprecedented and unexpected from him. The credit must be given to: -
  • General Raheel Sharif and his team who not only briefed Prime Minister on all aspects of the situation but also got the speech drafted with the best and the most operative diplomatic language.
  • Pakistani political leadership and media who pressurized him to break his long overdue silence and openly present the case of Kashmir to the world.
  • Diplomats and especially the team in UN and USA who prepared and provided him the platform for his speech.
  • China, Turkey, and OIC who assured their full support for the Kashmir cause.
  • People of Pakistan who are wholeheartedly and ever ready to support people of Kashmir and have always stood shoulder to shoulder with them for their right to live they way they want as a free society.
  • Social media activists who contributed in pressurizing him to openly support people of Kashmir subject to Indian brutal firing and facing the hardships of shortage of food, water, medicines due to long enforced curfew.
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