Thursday 17 December 2015

Remembering The Angels

16 December is a black day in the history of Pakistan. Before 2014, this day was observed as the day of Fall of Dhaka as East Pakistan was separated on 16 December 1971 from West Pakistan and was declared as a new state on the globe as Bangladesh. Bitterness of this deep wound and the pain was still felt in the hearts when after 43 years, in 2014, on the baleful day of 16 December, as many as nine terrorists attacked Army Public School and College (APS&C) Peshawar, opened point blank shooting and killed 231 students, 9 staff members including the Principal and 3 soldiers.

Declared as the most tragic terrorist attack in the history of Pakistan, all political parties, military leadership and the nation stood up for the final blow against terrorists and operation Zarb e Azb was launched with full thrust. Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air Force and Civil Armed Forces operating in Waziristan planned the operation and decided to fight the terrorism out till the last terrorist was eliminated.

Unfortunately, political government of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef (Prime Minister of Pakistan and head of Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz) was not willing to go for military operation against Taliban and they were in the process of delaying any such operation under the blanket of holding "peace talks" with Taliban. Immediately after the start of military operation on the initiative of General Raheel Sharif, Prime Minister had no choice but to appear before National Assembly and had to own and declare war on terrorists in his address.

Attack on APS&C Peshawar will be remembered in the history of Pakistan because of two reasons: -
  • Innocent children between the ages from 4 to 17 years were brutally massacred by boorish and barbaric terrorists. These little angels were assembled in school's auditorium for a demonstration on First Aid Training, as per their timetable. Terrorists fired each one of them in the head pointblank and had no mercy for the screaming and frightened kids. 
  • The effect of this unfortunate incident was so tenderheartedly felt by the nation that the unity and support for the young students and their teachers was unanimous. Whole of the community and all quarters got united and they demanded stern and quick blow back to terrorists. This kind of oneness and unity in public was not seen earlier save at the time of Pak-India War of 1965. Pakistani nationals all over the globe in general and pan-Pakistan in particular displayed focused strength through unity and indistinguishability and proved to international friends and foes that Pakistan is ONE SOLID BROTHERHOOD irrespective of how much they were wounded through terrorism, sectarianism, and political corruption.
Elite of the nation paying tribute to martyrs on 1st anniversary
Although a year has passed, the attack on school seems like the happening of yesterday. As soon as a memory of the incident is repeated in the mind, eyes get wet. As Pakistanis, we salute the parents of martyrs of APS for their patience and great sacrifice, we salute our Armed Forces for not letting the blood of innocent and tender flowers, and we salute the nation for showing all the support, backing and getting united.
Probably on any such moment of grief, the great poet Mirza Ghalib must have said,

سب کہاں کچھ لالہ و گل میں نمایاں ہو گئیں
خاک میں، کیا صورتیں ہوں گی، کہ پنہاں ہو گئیں

"all wherefore? just a few tulips-and-roses in manifested are
dust/dirt in-it what faces must-be that merged-hidden are"

Wednesday 9 December 2015

General Raheel Sharif - The Essence

General Raheel Sharif is 15th Chief of Army Staff (COAS) of Pakistan Army. He was appointed as COAS on 27 November 2013 and is due to retire on completion of his tenure on 26 November 2016. Within two years in office as COAS, General Raheel Sharif has gained unprecedented support and backing of People of Pakistan. General took the charge as COAS when nation was in a state of pandemonium and uncertainty on different fronts. Terrorism was at its peak and suicidal attacks on every Friday had become a routine. Political government; instead of dealing with terrorists in the language they understood, was trying to hold peace talks with them. Situation in Karachi had gone worst, especially for business community who were beleaguered by extortionists and street criminals. Corruption in governmental institutions was at its peak and common people were exposed to unemployment, injustice, bad governance, and power crisis. 

General Raheel Sharif decided to fight against all social evils simultaneously and through concerted efforts of his team, he was not only able to gain control over most of the problems but also improved upon the general outlook of Pakistan internationally. He went head on at most challenging issues like terrorism in the country and law and order situation in Karachi. Immediately after taking over the command of Pakistan Army, he revised the methodology of military training and introduced more practical means in keeping the Armed Forces alert, trained, and ready for any combat operation. New weapons and equipment, specially to fight Close Quarter Battle (CQB) in Built Up Area (BUA), were developed and introduced for use by Infantry and Special Services Group (SSG).

On national front, General Raheel Sharif gained popularity as the most upright, brave, courageous, and firm leader within two years. This was made possible because of his revolutionary measures nationally and internationally to bring peace, stability, and improved foreign relations with other nations of the world. The gist of steps taken by him are as below: -
  • Start of Operation Zarb e Azb against Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other terrorists who were operating through Afghanistan and Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) of Waziristan was their safe heaven.
  • Start of Rangers operation in Karachi against target killers, vehicles and cell phones/ jewellery snatchers, murderers, kidnappers, and terrorists. This resulted in bringing peace and stability in Karachi; the economic hub of Pakistan. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, big fish and mainstream political leaders have been questions and their close aides have been arrested. This operation brought life back to Karachi and public has overwhelmingly supported the actions taken by Rangers.
  • Prompt and courageous decisions like implementation of death penalty, establishment of Military Courts for prosecution of terrorists and anti-state elements. It has not only frightened such elements of rapid decisions and execution but has also provided relief and protection to civilian judges in the courts of law who were threatened and terrorized by the criminals. Terrorists who has attacked and murdered children at Army Public School and College Peshawar, caused fiasco at Safoora Chorangi in Karachi killing passengers of Ismailia community, and other such incidents have been hanged. 
  • Improvement and capacity building of Pakistan's nuclear and missile technology program. Successful test fire of FM 90 Missile has enhanced the capacity of Pakistan's strategic defense. Pakistan has become leading nation in the region in missile technology. IDEAS 2015 and other Defense exhibitions have provided new buyers of Pakistani weapons and war material to include JF Thunder (F-7 Fighter Aircraft). 
  • Revisit of Pakistan's foreign policy with his personal interest. Steps in this regard have played vital role in paradigm shift of national foreign policy to enable improvement in the diminishing image of Pakistan in the comity of nations. Pakistan's relations have improved many fold with USA, Russia, China, Europe, and countries of South America through his personal visits and determined focus on national objectives.
  • Solid and strong support and determined measures on ground to make China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) a reality. Over and above Pakistan Government's agreements and signing of contracts, Pakistan Army, under the leadership of General Raheel has give surety to the neighboring sister country China for all kinds of protection, security, and peaceful work environment throughout the proposed corridor. This is the biggest project under foreign investment in the history of Pakistan and will bring job opportunities, industry, trade and prosperity nationwide.
  • General Raheel Sharif is a strong believer in Democratic System. Unlike previous instances of imposing martial law by his predecessors; during troubled times, he dealt with the situations with patience and provided opportunities to political leaders to resolve the issues. Keeping democratically elected government intact, he has always provided full backing of Pakistan Army for the continuity of civilian and elected representatives of people of Pakistan. 
  • For the first time, General Raheel Sharif implemented the process of accountability within Army. He dealt with the cases of corruption and misappropriation by senior officers in the Armed Forces and after thorough investigations/ inquiries, awarded severe punishments. This stern and bold action has been well received not only by all ranks of Pakistan Army but also by the civilian population. The mouths of those critics were also shut who used to bad mouth about the internal relaxation by Army Generals, whenever they started accountability of politicians, media, judiciary and civil bureaucracy.
  • Keeping the Armed Forces of Pakistan abreast with latest means of communication, he took revolutionary steps regarding civil-military relationships. Department of Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR); the institution to keep civilians informed about military, has been reshaped and improved. For the first time Officers of Armed Forces and ISPR in particular have been allowed, rather encouraged to use social media for enhanced interaction with public.
  • General Raheel has always responded to natural disasters not only in Pakistan but in the region. Pakistan Army has been ordered to respond to any untoward incident without waiting for formal instructions and initiative to deal with such situations has been delegated to lower command echelons of Armed Forces. He has always reached in person at sight of such mishaps and has lead from the front. Floods in Sawat, Earthquake in KPK and floods in Sindh are some of the examples. These are unprecedented examples and have given tremendous respect and support by people of Pakistan. In the region also, Pakistan has always been among the first nations to respond to any calls in the name of humanity. Pakistan Army's prompt response Nepal Earthquake is an example of such response.
  • Restoration of long suspended Defense Forces' Parade on 23rd March - In remembrance of 23 March 1940, when Resolution of Independence was passed at Lahore, is another very important courageous step taken by General Raheel. The parade was suspended due to Armed Forces' commitments in dealing with terrorists but restoration of parade has sent a vibe of security and stability to all Pakistanis.
Every individual has some personality traits which help him build the aura of every individual's outlook.  General Raheel Sharif carries the charisma of his personality, bravery, courage, uprightness but there is something more to all this that makes him so unique. General hails from a family that has military culture in his blood both from paternal and maternal side. His father, Major Sharif (late) was a profound officer. General Raheel's elder brother, Major Shabbir Sharif shaheed was a brave officer of Pakistan Army who was decorated twice. Due to his bravery and acts beyond the call of duty, he was awarded with Sitara e Jurr'at in Pak-India war 1965 and Nishan e Haider in Pak-India war of 1971. His maternal uncle, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed was also awarded Nishan e Haider. It is the highest gallantry award of Pakistan and has been awarded to only 11 Officers/ Other Ranks so far. Two of those 11 brave heroes of Pakistan are blood relations of General Raheel. He not only has to keep up with the qualities required out of an Army Chief but he also carries the legacy of two Nishan e Haiders. That makes him an extraordinary General and an examplary leader.
Because of his personality traits and the legacy of his brother and uncle, it is expected that he will act with the same elegance and wisdom when he is asked for extension in his service as COAS. He has already gained the rapport as a man of principles and uprightness. It is expected that he will simply step down from his appointment on its completion and will leave an example for others to follow.

Monday 7 December 2015

Sorry Muslims !!!

This is a video by Chonleedonya Odum, a Black American justifying that shootings in USA are not necessarily acts of terrorism when Muslims are involved in such incidents. She apologizes from all the oppressed people in the world in general and in USA in particular. She can be reached on Facebook by clicking here

Caution: Language contains R rated words in the video. It is readers' discretion to avoid watching it if they are offended by language containing profanity.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

General Elections 2018 - Probabilities

General elections for National and Provincial legislative assemblies are scheduled to be held in May 2018. Over past few decades, two party system has been the main criteria of political competition which has been challenged recently. After the adventurous 70s and military rule of Zia ul Haq from 1977 to 1986, two main political parties emerged as the force multipliers. These were Pakistan Muslim League (PML) (created by Zia ul Haq and later split into many groups) and Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP) - founded by Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. These two parties have been political rivals and have taken turns in government one after the other. In the provinces, however, nationalist parties like Muttihada Quami Movement (MQM), Awami National Party (ANP) and Balochistan National Party (BNP) have ruled Karachi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwah (KPK) and Balochistan provinces respectively while Pakistan Peoples Party has emerged single ruling party of Sind provinces for almost three decades.

 After military rule of General Pervez Musharraf (1999 to 2008), Pakistan returned to the track of democracy. Keeping in view the corruption, collusion, and signing of Charter of Democracy (COD) to facilitate each other in power marry-go-round, people of Pakistan wanted a third force to emerge and provide them social justice, socioeconomic opportunities, peace, and stability. Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) under the leadership of Imran Khan gained overwhelming popularity in General Elections (GE) 2008. Although PTI could not get many seats in the assemblies but PML-N and PPP realized that PTI had gained roots in all provinces and could be a major threat to their political monopoly in future.

Due to murder of Benazir Bhutto of PPP, Peoples' Party gained sympathy vote and was successful in forming central government with coalition provincial governments in Sind (with MQM), KPK (with ANP), and Balochistan (with BNP). In Punjab, however, PML-N formed the government. PPP's government proved to be highly unsuccessful as regards to governance, providing jobs to young and educated people, resolving energy crisis, and stabilizing law and order situation which had saturated due to terrorist activities by Taliban. The government under Asif Ali Zardari was rather accused of being involved in corruption, illegal gratifications, getting under the table commissions from local and foreign companies, and mismanaging means of mass transportation like Pakistan Railways, Pakistan International Airlines and other public sector transport facilities. Asif Ali Zardari removed ideological workers of PPP from important party positions and brought his personal friends and partners in crime at the forefront. Inefficient governance, dejection of common people and nepotism in Party's camp made PPP highly unpopular. PPP; a party once considered to be the symbol of federation with very deep rooted influence in all parts of the country squeezed to be a local party of Sind province. PPP's leadership was opposed by judiciary, bureaucracy, and generally by the middle leadership of Army. All these circumstances proved counter productive for PPP and in 2013, it was completely wiped of from all areas other than rural Sind.

GE 2013 were held in May and the real competition was between PML-N and PTI. Although PPP competed in all provinces as well as in the center but it was already known that they will lose due to their poor performance during the last five years' rule. As a result of GE, the country observed a new trend. All the provincial parties belonging to their specific provinces won the elections and no party could be identified as a central party with their influence all over the country. Punjab elections were won by PML-N: a Punjab based party, KPK elections by PTI: a party led by Imran Khan (Niazi from KPK), Sind elections went to PPP: a party lead by Sindhi (Bhutto/ Zardari dynasty), and in Balochistan, nationalists Baloch leaders got majority votes. As is the electoral system of Pakistan, any party winning in Punjab; based on population, is successful in forming central government.PML-N, therefore, formed the federal government in the center.

keeping in view the past performance, steps taking for the betterment of governance, socioeconomic development, mass transportation projects, involvement in law and order situation and restoration of peace in the country in general and in Karachi in particular, probability of winning elections in 2018 is discussed for major political parties as under: -

Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP)

Once known as "Chain of unity among all the provinces" has almost done political suicide after the murder of Benazir Bhutto. Asif Ali Zardari, who never enjoyed good reputation being involved in corruption, ruined the party by sidelining ideological and sincere workers, and appointing his personal friends at important party as well as governmental positions. This not only resulted in discontentment of old and loyal workers of PPP but also inflicted heavy losses to overall performance of the government from 2008 to 2013. Party shrank to Sind only with no representation in KPK and Balochistan. In Punjab, those PPP candidates, who won the elections, primarily got success due to their own rapport, social work, and influence in public. During the later part of PPP government in Sind, party had major split when two trusted friends of Asif Ali Zardari, former Interior Minister of Sind Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza and former Senator Faisal Raza Abidi could not take the corrupt practices of the party leadership and spoke on media against such practices. This gave a major jolt to PPP and its already diminishing support was rapidly hagridden. Recent operation in Sind by Pakistan Rangers and arrests of very close aides of Asif Ali Zardari like Dr. Asim Hussain and others have proven their involvement in aiding terrorists, target killings, corruption and anti-state activities. These negative developments have adversely effected the good-will of PPP and its existence in the country has a serious question mark. Unfortunately, after the death of Benazir Bhutto, party is void of any mature and visionary leadership. Asif Zardari has tried to launch his only son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in mainstream politics but he lacks experience, having lived in UK and ME all his life; does not know the dynamics of Pakistani social and political realities, and can not deliver what is expected from a leader who can replace seasoned and accomplished leader to the magnificence of Benazir Bhutto. On the face of it, it seems like Pakistan Peoples' Party has outlived its natural life and at present has no leadership, vision, and/ or plan that can revive its diminishing political entity in Pakistan. In 2018, it is expected that Peoples' Party will be able to win few provincial seats in interior Sind but on Federal level, will not have any worthwhile position. In Sind too, Dr Zulfiqar Mirza has become a major threat in Badin and surrounding areas. Urban areas of Sind have already fallen in favor of MQM for last few decades. If PPP has to revive itself, it needs a visionary and dynamic leader, strong and active leadership in Punjab and KPK, and has to disassociate itself from the criminal and corrupt elements in the party.

Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf (PTI)

Because of stubborn and inelastic political behavior, not been able to analyze ground realities, taking wrong decisions at domestic as well as political fronts, Imran Khan has rapidly lost his popularity. He is leading "the single man standing" party which becomes valueless without his personal charisma. In the recent past, he has lost local bodies elections in Punjab, narrowly escaped defeat in KPK, and was outnumbered in Sind by other political forces. Imran Khan has lost on all moral grounds he has called public for sit-ins and protests against government. His plea of corruption and fraudulent practices in election of 2013 have been rejected by an apex level tribunal, formed on his own request. His party lost by-elections of NA-122 and could not gain any support in local bodies elections. Exactly a day prior to the conduct of elections, the announcement of his divorce to Reham Khan proved to be the last nail in the coffin. If PTI has to win in GE 2018, Imran Khan and party leadership must reorganize the party at gross root level and have to focus at revolutionary social welfare programs in KPK. They still have almost two years in term. Instead of crying over the spilt milk, PTI shall focus on the good governance and introduction of an ideal democratic system in KPK which they can showcase as a model for the rest of Pakistan. They must also adopt solid measures to gain popularity in rural and backward areas of Punjab otherwise they will only be visible in urban areas as a saturated party and that is insufficient for them to come into power for next ten years.

Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz (PML-N)

PML-N is ruling Punjab for the sixth term and has gained strong foothold in Punjab politics. Electoral system is such that any party winning GE in Punjab can easily form government in the center because of the population and number of seats for National Assembly. PML-N, being the ruling party for very long time has also acquired experience in use of unfair means during polling and is famous for misappropriation of votes. Party leadership is filthy rich and knows that "everything is for sale, if proper bid is offered" and this has always worked in their way. Party has never been hesitant in buying bureaucrats, members of provincial as well as national assemblies, lawyers, media persons and even Judges of lower courts to as high as Supreme Court of Pakistan. Party has no moral values or ethics. Its top leadership has told lies to the nation a number of times without feeling shame. Party's command is in the hands of Sharif dynasty and all key appointments within party as well as at government level are held by the family members of Sharifs. Party believes in such development projects which have tangible and visible effects with opportunities of earning high kickbacks. They are not bothered about providing basic social rights of education, health, clean drinking water etc to the public. Instead, their focus is on construction of motorways and metro bus system since such projects are visible to the public and are evidences of growth and development. Party, through Charter of Democracy (COD); an agreement of mutual cooperation between PPP and PML-N, bribery to those who are at the helm of affairs, blackmailing and corrupt practices in elections is likely to win GE 2018 in Punjab in particular and in KPK in general. Victory of PML-N is not because of their being popular party but its because of poor performance of other parties like PPP in Sind and PTI in KPK. In Punjab the ground is almost vacant for them because PPP has been wiped out and PTI has been unsuccessful in making any headway in the 80% population living in the rural areas.

Mutehidda Qaumi Movement (MQM)

MQM has been an influential sociopolitical ethnic group of Urdu speaking community in urban areas of Sind. MQM has been winning National/ Provincial, and Local Bodies elections in Karachi, Hyderabad and other urban areas of Sindfor the last three decades. Despite repeated efforts to have their influence in other parts the country, the party could not gain any worthwhile success. Recently, Altaf Hussain, leader of MQM; in self exile since 1984, is under investigation by Scotland Yard for cases of money laundering and murder of Dr. Imran Farooq: co-founder and close aide of Altaf Hussain, who had left the party due to conflicts with Altaf's policies. Within Karachi MQM is under clouds for strong evidences of involvement in target killing, providing protection to terrorists and anti-state elements, illegal land grabbing, kidnapping for ransom and collection of money from traders and merchants on gun point. These charges have deteriorated the image of MQM a great deal but due to their monopoly in urban areas of Sind for a long time, no immediate threat is present for them. PTI, Jamat e Islami (JI) and PPP are trying to replace them in urban areas but due to their poor performance people are not willing to elect them in forthcoming elections too. Although MQM's future is rapidly diminishing as their first tier leadership is directly involved in criminal activities but they have the capability to manipulate the election in the absence of any strong rival. MQM needs to reorganize and think outside the box for sustenance in future. They need to look for alternate leadership that can keep them united after Altaf Hussain and also need to build a rapport of non-involvement in criminal activities by handing over the criminals in their ranks to law enforcing agencies.           

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Paris Attaks, Background Straddled

Night 13-14 Nov was a tragic time in Paris when shooters and suicide bombers killed around 200 innocent citizens, leaving another 99 in critical condition. President Francois Hollande of French Republic declared these attacks as "An act of war against France". Terrorists selected 6 different soft targets to attack including a football stadium where a match was underway and was being witnessed by French President.

This act of brutality and terrorism is highly condemn-able and cannot be justified under any rationalization, whatsoever. Loss of lives of innocent children, women, and men is a collective loss of entire humanity, may it be in any part of the world. No religion, ethics, or human behavior allows or can justify such act of ruthlessness.

Apparently the responsibility of Paris attacks is accepted by ISIS; a terrorist militant group, active in Iraq and Syria but there is a need to analyze the incident more deeply, keeping in view some of the similar terrorist attacks in different parts of the world in the past. In the last three decades, our planet has seen severe surge of violence, intolerance, and terrorism. Its roots can be traced as back as the 50s to 70s era of cold war between USA and former USSR. Cold war had split the world in two major groups namely Capitalist bloc and Socialist bloc. At the face of it, the split seemed like two economic systems but in real these blocs were created in the hunt of power and supremacy against each other. This voracity caused a race of military might, ICBMs, WMDs and other lethal nuclear and NBC arsenal. Countries included in respective blocs signed mutual agreements of military defense namely NATO and WARSA pacts and undertook to mutually fight against any attacker. Besides building on military might, signing agreements of safeguarding mutual interests on economical fronts, and issuing guarantees to protect each other, a lot of covert activities started in opposite blocs as well as within the blocs. These activities included espionage through intelligence agents, scientific/ electronic monitoring and planting moles. These activities were two fold, one: to gain timely intelligence of opponents activities and two: to keep a check over own allies and ensure they were not in any sort of secret contact with opponent bloc. This kind of constant watch over allies was also necessary because besides political and geographical ideologies of different countries; who had joined a specific bloc, their religious and social cultures and attachments forced them to have relationships with countries in other bloc. Such dogma was more common in Arabic and Middle Eastern states as those were split in both blocs but were yet united being Arab/ Muslim states.

After USSR's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the situation worsened and NATO bloc proactively struck against the invasion. As a result of NATO's efforts, USSR not only withdrew from Afghanistan but also split into pieces. On the other hand, through passive support of USSR; in opposition to USA, Islamic revolution overthrew the rule of Pehlavi dynasty in Iran, who under the reign of Raza Shah Pehlavi, was a strong ally and the biggest protector of USA's interests in the region. USA considered these events in Afghanistan and Iran as transformation of geopolitical situation in Middle East (ME). After disintegration of USSR and claiming to be the sole super power in the world, USA decided to alter the paradigm to keep the region under her invulnerable control in future.

USA had sought help of Pakistan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Afghanistan and other Muslim countries by naming the fight against USSR in Afghanistan as Jehad (holy war of Islam) against pagan/ atheist oppressor. This moved religious pressure groups to enroll young men in private militia and through USA funding, Islamic seminaries were established to train the youth in war craft, especially guerrilla warfare. These trained militia were named as Taliban and were launched in Afghanistan to fight against USSR Army. USA provided them arms, ammunition, food, shelter and financial aid through the puppet military regime of Zia ul Haq. These Taliban were sponsored through rich business and interest partners of USA in KSA and other Islamic countries e.g., Bin Laden Group of Saudi Arabia who were partners of USA top leadership in oil exploration and extraction. Osama bin Laden, an employee of CIA was made in-charge of aid program to Taliban and was sent to operate in Afghanistan. After the withdrawal of Russia from Afghanistan, USA disregarded Taliban in Afghanistan and wanted to rule the country through a dummy, moderate, and incompetent ruler of Kabul. Taliban revolted against USA at this point and demanded their right to rule Afghanistan which they claimed to have earned through their physical participation in war to defeat USSR. USA in turn declared Taliban as terrorists (which were earlier labelled by her as Jihadis - Holy warriors of Islam). Osama bin Laden, seeing the transposed view of USA founded an Arabic based extremist group and named it as Al-Qaeda. He, through his vast financial resources, enrolled Arabic, Chechen, Uzbek, and other radical Muslims to form a rigid group who rejected to accept any other faction or jurisprudence of Islam and declared all other Muslims as Kafir (non-believers).

In Iran, USA lost her grip as soon as Islamic revolution was enforced, which was covertly supported by USSR. This caused general hatred against USA and a soft and sympathetic corner for USSR in the hearts of Iranians. USA did not accept this change and wanted to carry out her covert operations to regain her hold in the region. This time USA decided to activate 1400 old rift between Muslims in the name of sectarianism. KSA and Iran are very old rivals and their rivalry is rooted back to the times of Umar bin Al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam. It was during his time that Islamic forces of Arab peninsula attacked and captured Faris (present day Iran that was a super power of that time). The rivalry of both countries kept going till present day because KSA was ruled by Aal e Saud (Saud dynasty) who followed Wahabi jurisprudence of Islam where as in Iran Shia jurisprudence of Islam is followed. Wahabi and Shia factions of Islam has major differences in belief and these create a rift between the two sects. USA and her allies decided to start a proxy war in Pakistan and Afghanistan and further spread it to all the countries where Shia and Wahabi split was present. This would help the cause of USA and Western world as they were to obtain following goals:; -
  • Immediate hold on oil and natural resources of Middle Eastern states.
  • Gain control in Afghanistan and Pakistan to keep a check over China and Iran.
  • Keep Iran pitched in uncongenial and troubled situation against Saudi Arabia and other ME states.
  • Ensure that Muslim Arab states remain busy in sectarian violence so that the state of Israel; surrounded by Muslim states, is safeguarded.
  • Put a check on speedy spread of Islam in the West and create a wave of hatred amongst Muslims and natives of Western countries so that vast migration/ emigration of Muslims can be controlled.
  • Control spread of Islamic seminaries and Mosques in the West. 
  • Weaken Muslims through internal disputes and polemicise to the extent that they indulge in bloodshed.
  • Keep Muslims away from modern education, science, and technology by propagating only the rituals of prayers, fasting and other practices as the total purpose of religion, through planned course by foreign funded and sponsored religious clerics.
  • Keep tyrant and illegal monarchs imposed over people so that Muslims remain oppressed, poor, uneducated and enslaved.
  • Make them afraid of performing their religious obligations and making them believe that religion is a private affair. This is aimed to be achieved through demolishing holy and sacred places like tombs of Prophets, Family and Companions of Prophet Muhammad on the one hand and by bomb explosions, suicidal attacks etc on Mosques and Imam Bargahs.
To achieve above goals, a heavy sectarian war was imposed in the ME and religious extremists organizations like Hizb ut Tehreer, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban were funded and supported to fulfill above goals in different Islamic countries. 

Recent attacks in France have been owned by ISIS after two days, while international leadership and media had already started associating them with ISIS. This is not unprecedented as similar tactics was used after 9/11 in the US when the blame was ultimately accepted by Al-Qaeda. USA needed an excuse to launch physical attack and take control of Kabul so that Taliban were pitched in the battle in the name of "War on Terror" and puppet government of Hamid Karzai could be installed. In Iraq the legitimacy of NATO attack was bluffed on the plea of destruction of WMDs, Iraq was building up but till date no weapons of that sort have been recovered from Iraq where as about fifty thousand people have lost their lives in the war and post war Shia-Sunni conflicts. At the cost of blood of innocent civilians and state of unrest and uncertainty, USA, however has gained full control over Iraqi Oil and state resources.

To turn ME spring into autumn, USA/ NATO went further deep and raised armed and trained organizations like ISIS to fight against the governments in ME/ Arabian states. These militants were funded and equipped by the West to fight and create unrest in favor of USA/ NATO. This is a matter of serious concern that ISIS is being supported in Syria to fight against the government forces where as the same terrorist organization is opposed in Iraq.

In the west, in the name of "freedom of expression", incidents like publishing cartoons of Prophet Muhammad, burning of copies of Quran; holy book of Islam, and putting restrictions on observing hijab by Muslim women were supported by the governments. This attitude created a wave of hatred among Muslims of the world and they felt that such incidents were against the honor, respect, and sanctity of protocols of Islam. West must understand that becoming Policemen of the world, creating rift between different factions and sects of any religion, planting and nurturing radical fundamentalists and supporting/ aiding bloodshed will always have its negative fallout. It is a universal truth that "what goes around, comes around".

Although the loss of innocent citizens in Paris attacks are high condemned, the producers and suppliers of arms and ammunition to terrorists must notice that the blood of innocent women, children, senior citizens and young people is as precious as the blood of people who died in 9/11 attacks in USA or recently in France. Let the peace prevail and stop aiding/ supporting terrorist organizations operating in any part of the world otherwise, "what shall you sow, so shall you reap."        

Thursday 12 November 2015

Role of Madrassah in Pakistan

With the upsurge of terrorist activities in the country, madaris (Islamic seminaries) (plural of madrassah) have come under enormous criticism of nurturing terrorists. Since most of the terrorist activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan have their linkage with religious enthusiasts, it has provided ample opportunities for anti-Islamic activists to condemn madaris with ample and tangible evidence. No one can deny the fact that some of the madaris have been proactively involved in training of their students in use of arms, explosives, and have acted as nurseries of producing terrorists. There are yet a few which, apparently have not involved in direct armed training but have indulged in brainwashing young minds to create hatred against those who do not follow their faction of religious beliefs. But it is highly unjustified to object to madaris in totality as they are serving as alternate welfare institutions in the country.

Historically, madrassah has been an institution of formal religious and scientific sciences and its tradition can be traced as back as in the time of Islamic state in Medina. The first madrassah is believed to be established jointly by Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (companion and son in law of Prophet Muhammad) and Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (companion and cousin of Ali and Prophet Muhammad) - May Allah's peace be upon them. The institution of madrassah has played an important role during the golden times of Islam. Famous early Muslim astronomers, biologists, nutritionists, chemists, economists, geographers, mathematicians, doctors, political scientists, and scholars were the product of madaris of their times. Many madrassah students were employed by the rulers in their courts for statecraft and were appointed to the ranks of prime ministers and chief justices.

As Islam spread in different parts of the globe, the institution of madrassah also traveled with Muslim traders, invaders, and preachers. In subcontinent madaris were established right after the Muslim conquest of Sindh and Multan. Although in the beginning these institutions were informally established by Sufis and preachers on local levels and adopted ways and means suiting local population. Proper madrassahs were later instilled during the times of Muslim rulers of Delhi and later during Mughal rule of India. During the rule of Muslims in subcontinent, state machinery and bureaucracy was based on scholars, statesmen, engineers, judges, doctors, and political scientists, who were graduated from Islamic seminaries. After unsuccessful revolt of 1857 against British rule, British took over the control of India and made it their colony under the viceroy appointed directly by Queen. In British India, all degrees awarded by madaris were declared null and void and the government announced that only those persons, well versed with English language and modern sciences were eligible to get government jobs. This created a clear demarcation between madrassah education and modern schools.

Three of the major types of madaris in subcontinent were established as Darul Uloom Deoband (Devbandi Sunni University, estb 1866), Madrassah Manzar e Islam, Bareilly (Islamic University of Brailvi Muslims, estb 1904), and Bara Imambara Lucknow (where Hawza Ilmiya Lucknow (Islamic University of Shia Muslims) was estb in 1791). At independence in 1947, there were only 189 madaris in Pakistan which grew to 783 in 1971. After Iranian Islamic (Shia) revolution and Russian invasion of Afghanistan during very late decade of 70s, Pakistan was inundated with madaris and training of militant wings became as part of madrassahs education. During this time Pakistani madaris of particular factions; mostly Wahabis and Deobandis, were funded for following reasons: -
  • Prepare militants to fight against USSR in Afghanistan in the name of Jehad e Islami (Islamic holy war) against paganism - a strategic move by USA to fund and replenish human resource for using them in Afghanistan.
  • There was a threat that Islamic revolution in neighboring Iran might expand in other Muslim countries of the region This speculative expansion was against the interests of USA and Saudi Arabia. Both provided free resources to madaris of Deobandi and Wahabi factions for countering expansion of Islamic revolution. New madaris with grand buildings and ecellent facilities were built, religious scholars were provided with latest amenities of life, transport and protocol.
  • General Zia ul Haq had imposed martial law in the country and he wanted to gain public support. He used the name of Islam for this purpose as people in subcontinent are raditionally very sentimental about religion. Through the support of US and KSA funding, he paid high amounts to religious clerics for his nefarious political and religious designs.
Jamaati Ulama Islam ... figured as a fairly minor part of Pakistan's religious scene until the regime of General Zia al-Haq ... who used an Islamic policy to buttress his military dictatorship. Part of his policy to `Islamize` Pakistan was a campaign to expand religious education with funds for thousands of new madrases. Their number grew from around 900 in 1971 to over 8000 official ones and another 25,000 unofficial ones in 1988. With financial support from Saudi Arabia, Deobandi madrasas were part of this vast proliferation in religious education, much of it located in Afghan refugee camps that sprang up in the 1980s. This rapid expansion came at the expense of doctrinal coherence as there were not enough qualified teachers to staff all the new schools. Quite a few teachers did not discern between tribal values of their ethnic group, the Pushtuns and the religious ideals. The result was an interpretation of Islam that blended Pushtun ideals and Deobandi views, precisely the hallmark of the Taliban.    
--- The Wahabi Mission and Saudi Arabia by David Commins (2009), p:191-2

This caused sectarianism, hatred, and militancy in relatively moderate and peaceful Pakistani society where Muslims of all sects lived in the past with mutual tolerance and brotherhood. Wikileaks, based on reliable evidence has published a detailed report on Saudi financed Wahabi madaris. The report is an evidence of how different political and religious proxy wars have been fought in pan-Pakistan areas and has left their long damaging impacts.

Beside the clear evidences of involvement in militancy, recruiting terrorists, brainwashing and spreading hate, and training the youth in handling arms and explosives by some madaris, the importance of madaris can not be undermined keeping in view the the socioeconomic situation of Pakistan.

Pakistan is the land of 21 Million people and official reports suggest that only 2.1% of total GDP is being expended in education sector. With deteriorating data of children enrolled in governmental schools, increasing drop out rate due to poverty and limited access to schools/ teachers, lot of children of the school going age; especially in rural areas, are left out of schools. Madaris, under these circumstances, act as alternate and parallel system to share the burden of government. Madaris not only act as seminaries but registered madaris also impart education of science, computer, and other modern sciences. These madaris are run under governmental control and have to submit their syllabi for approval. Such madaris provide boarding and lodging facilities to students as well as financial assistance to the poor families. Thus they are a source of providing support which a welfare state shall provide to its citizen. With the introduction of modern sciences as part of the syllabus of madaris, the degrees awarded to madaris graduates are recognized by HEC and such degree holders are provided with equal job opportunities in all sectors of central and provincial government jobs.

Till the time Government of Pakistan (GOP) is unable to provide food, shelter, health, and education facilities to all of her citizen, the role of madaris is very vital in supporting the poor and middle classes of population. The need is that a prudent monitoring system be employed to ensure that following is ensured to keep madaris free of any anti-state/ anti-Islamic activities:-
  • Source of funding to madaris to ensure no funding (local or funding) is done to support any sort of proxy wars.
  • Regular and professional external audit of accounts of madaris to ensure every penny donated to madaris is accounted for.
  • Vigilant supervision to check that madaris are imparting training of peace, brotherhood, and equality on humanity, instead of spreading hate against other sects/ religions.
  • Syllabus is prepared to broaden the minds of students and to create a sense of patriotism, loyalty, national integrity and mutual co-existence of society.
  • Besides religious education, knowledge of modern sciences and foreign languages like English, French, German, Arabic, and Persian are also imparted.
  • All chances of training for militancy, supporting terrorism or extremist approach is curbed with iron hands.  

Monday 26 October 2015

Making of PTI

Imran Khan of Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf (PTI)
Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) has effectively gained the position of a 3rd force in a political system of two parties in Pakistan. There are a number of factors that have played their role in bringing such a success to Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf. Some of the facts are driven by Imran Khan (born 1952) of PTI, whereas some are such ground realities of contemporary politics parties that have shifted the weight in favor of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf. Both factors are enumerated as strengths of PTI and weaknesses of other parties: -

Strengths of PTI

Personality Charisma of Imran Khan 

Imran Khan carries the legacy of his cricketing career. Pakistan won the only ICC Cricket World Cup under his captaincy and before he entered in politics he had a rapport of an hero. Besides his brilliant cricketing career, he also constructed Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital through charity. His funds collection campaign was well received by the masses and Pakistanis, not only in Pakistan but also in foreign countries supported the noble cause and gave him donations even out of the way. He is handsome, has a charming personality and carries an elegant aroma. In his youth he was a popular young man who was idealized by males and was a dream man for many women all over the world. 
His charming personality, talent in cricket and altruist activities made him a popular figure, especially in the urban areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwah, Punjab and Sindh. At early stages of political career, PTI revolved around this single factor and all the following PTI got was because of Imran Khan's personality. Mostly those who joined him were young, infamous, and ambitious people.

Personal Traits as Party Head

Although there have been some negative observations about Imran Khan in his personal capacity and his private life, his reputation as a party head/ national leader has always been upright. He is considered to be an honest, fair, and just leader whose hands are not polluted of any sort of corruption or financial embezzlement. Although his critics say that he has not been blamed of any venality because he has never been tested at any public office throughout his life. But whatever conduct he has displayed as a cricketer or as a philanthropist does suggest that given a chance, he will stand by his rapport.

PTI Targeted Youth

Since inception, Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf has large following of youth in the urban areas. Imran Khan realized this fact at the onset and exploited it in the interest of his party. During early stages of his political struggle, they were only the infamous young boys and girls who supported him, worked in his cause and gave basic shape to party's edifice.

Selective Membership of Party

In the start the strength of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf was that membership in general and party offices in particular were given to only those people who were not involved in any corruption or malpractices. This brought good name to the party and raised the hopes of common people that an honest alternate leadership was being introduced. Unfortunately, as the time passed,  PTI could not stick to its basic ideology and after a successful show of power at Iqbal Park Lahore in October 2011, doors of PTI were opened for everyone. Most of the politicians who were discarded by their previous parties, charged of corruption, and rejected by people joined PTI and ultimately pocketed party's lead positions in their pockets.

Slogan of "Building New Pakistan"

Imran Khan, famous for his cricket captaincy and social works (Shaukat Khanam Cancer Hospital and Namal Educational project), gave new hope to people of Pakistan in the shape of ending long ongoing War on Terror, equal educational opportunities for all, justice at common man's door step, and corruption free social and governmental system. Collectively he gave it the name of "Building New Pakistan". People in Pakistan, who were sick and tired of terrorism, different education systems for rich and poor classes, corruption of politicians and governmental machinery, and unjust and lengthy legal system, overwhelmingly supported PTI for this hope of change.

Vibrant Methodology to Attract Public

Instead of using conventional, orthodox and formal means of addressing public gatherings and delivering scripted speeches, PTI introduced new and vibrant methods to include resonant music, emotionally high-pitched ostentatious speeches, and use of street language; which was considered as against the norms. This created excitement in youth and they were always hyped to attend such public gatherings. Such mood and atmosphere changed PTI's public gatherings into eventful festivity and a source of entertainment.

Weaknesses of Other Parties

These were not only the strengths of PTI and its leadership that rose the party to its present eminence but there are some external factors or weaknesses of other political parties that led to the success of PTI. Some of the factors are listed below: -

Pakistan Peoples' Party

Mr. Asif Zardari, co-chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party, had number of times repeated a sentence of his wife Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (late) that Democracy was the best Revenge. To prove it right, the best revenge he took was from Pakistan Peoples Party itself. Peoples Party; in the times of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto, was known as a single political force that was symbol of federation in all provinces of Pakistan. It had deep rooted influence in urban and rural areas in all the four provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan, Kashmir, and FATA. Asif Zardari, through his corruption, nepotism, and sheer mismanagement of governance; during PPP's rule from 2008 to 2013, squeezed PPP countrywide and trammelled it as a political pressure group in rural areas of Sindh province only.
In 2008 General Elections, PPP won majority sympathy votes after the murder of Benazir Bhutto and formed a coalition government in center, Khyber Pakhtunkwah, Balochistan and Sindh. Peoples' Party had deep roots in farmer and workers class since its inception as its founder and former President/ Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto gave socialistic philosophy and his slogan of roti (food), kapra (clothes), and makan (shelter for living) got overwhelming popularity in poor class of Pakistani masses. Zardari government from 2008 to 2013 failed to address any problems of common people. Pakistan was facing severe energy crises, terrorism and unemployment. Governmental institutions were at the verge of bankruptcy. Pakistan Railways, Pakistan International Airlines Corporation, Pakistan Steel Mills, Oil and Gas Development Company, Water and Power Development Authority, Sui Northern and Sui Southern Gas Companies, and State Bank of Pakistan had deteriorated to the extent of failure. People were subjected to social injustice, unemployment was at its prime, corruption and bribery was common in all governmental departments, hospitals and institutions of public health were in shambles, education system was counter productive. Political leaders did not address any issues of public and never tried to provide any relief or solution to the miseries of people. This worsened the social system in Pakistan while Zardari and his gang remained busy in plundering national wealth for private gains.
Due to the poor performance and apathetic approach towards resolve of peoples' concerns, a big leadership vacuum was created by PPP in most parts of the country. Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf; due to its slogan of "New Pakistan" and hope for change filled in this gap successfully.

Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz)

Leadership of PML-N to include Mian Nawaz Shareef and Mian Shahbaz Sharif were exiled during the tenure of Pervez Musharraf. They were eager to return to the country at all cost. During the military regime Nawaz Shareef of PML-N and Benazir Bhutto of PPP signed an accord named Charter of Democracy (COD). According to COD both parties reached at an agreement to safeguard democracy in Pakistan and to take measures to prevent any future adventure by military Generals to topple democratically elected governments in Pakistan. At the face of it, COD looked as an impressive document for stability of democracy but practically it proved to be a mutual agreement of protection of personal benefits of both the parties. PML-N, during Zardari regime from 2008- 2013, acted in such a way that they were known as "friendly" opposition in the Parliament. They fully cooperated with PPP in the center and ruled in Punjab. Despite few political movements and street politics against PPP government's policies, they never posed any serious opposition in the parliament. In real, both parties had decided to take turns in power for one tenure of five years with Punjab being with PML-N and rural Sindh with PPP.
Before exile, Nawaz Shareef and Shahbaz Shareef also tried to mobilize people in Punjab province under the slogan of Jaag Punjabi Jaag (O Punjabis, wake up). This was to make Punjabis stand up for their rights and to make them aware that other provinces; under the garb of being poor, were eating up national resources unjustly. This did not get major support in Punjab but created a serious wave of hatred for Punjabis in the hearts of Balochis, Pakhtuns, and Sindhis. PML-N, due to its friendly opposition and Jaag Punjabi Jaag kind of hateful approach lost its support in most parts of the country. In Punjab, PML-N ruled for 5 times but they concentrated on development of Lahore major cities of Punjab, especially Lahore: the native city of Nawaz Shareef and Shahbaz Shareef. This adversely effected their popularity in Southern and Central Punjab that comprises of poor and farmer class of people living mostly in rural areas.
Leadership of PML-N consisted of businessmen and their anti-farmer policies restricted their support to major cities like Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Faisalabad only. PML-N, once posing serious threat to PPP remained confined to urban areas of Punjab only. This also favored PTI to gain popularity, especially in the Pashtun and Hazara areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwah.

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)

In Urban areas of Sindh, especially in Karachi, Hyderabad and Mirpur Khas, MQM had achieved politically monopolistic majority since majority of population in these areas were Mohajirs (migrants) from India at the time of independence in 1947. Altaf Hussain, the founder leader of MQM; while being in self-exile in UK, led his party successfully till 2008. Thereafter, due to his bad health, internal politics of the party, and his alleged involvement in anti-state activities loosened his grip over the party affairs. His public telephonic addresses in the recent past put oil to the burning flame. He is also facing interrogation in UK for the charges of murder of his former colleague, Dr. Imran Farooq as well as charges of being involved in money laundering.
On MQM's petition to launch an operation in Karachi by Army was acceded to by the federal government and Sindh Rangers (a segment of Civil Armed Forces) were tasked to start a neutral but intense operation across the board to restore peace in protracted turbulent port city of Karachi. More Pakistan Rangers dug the ground realities, more criminal activities of MQM were revealed. MQM was found guilty of criminal activities to the tune of providing protection to prosecuted fugitive criminals at their headquarters called 90. Rangers also apprehended serial and target killers who confessed that they were part of MQM and had indulged in criminal murders on the orders of top MQM leadership.
In the recent past, the speeches of Altaf Hussain were so poisonous and harmful to the state that court had to put a ban on his public appearance in media, broadcast of his address or any other form of reaching out to public. This has helped PTI to appear as alternate political force in urban areas of Sindh. Although MQM has deep roots and if MQM leadership decides to carry out their political activities with minus Altaf formula accepted, they can still keep PTI out of political business in urban areas.    

Tuesday 10 February 2015

MQM Minus Altaf Formula

Recent speeches of Altaf Hussain, the founder leader of MQM have raised number of questions about his mental health, trustworthiness and sanity. He sounds ill, his speeches are are not interlinked and it sounds as he has no control over his words while delivering his long telephonic addresses.

Altaf Hussain also seems unsatisfied from the performance of his "Rabita Committee" members and has alleged them for involvement in illegal land occupation (land mafia) and Bhatta collection. He has a number of times dissolved Rabita Committee and has also announced to retire as the leader of MQM.

There is no doubt that Altaf Hussain has used Mohajir card very effectively and through this tactics he has vast following in urban areas of Sindh, specially in Karachi and Hyderabad. Majority of migrants from India who got settled in these cities of Sindh have got together under the flag of MQM and have supported Altaf Hussain for his political thoughts. In the recent times, however, a large number of these people are not satisfied by the speeches and acts of Altaf Hussain. They may not express their feelings openly in public fearing the consequences but in private discussions, there is a lot of discontentment.

Based on above facts and the ailing physical health of Altaf Hussain, it is just time that MQM must be guided for alternative leadership in the life of Altaf Hussain. This will help MQM stay united under a central leadership and Altaf Hussain can mentor the next leader personally. No one is eternal and Altaf Hussain is also subject to fading away sooner or later. It is in the best interest of MQM that they should be given a new leader by Altaf Hussain himself before its too late and MQM breaks into many groups under different leaders and the whole scenario of politics in Karachi changes. It is of more importance as other political forces like PTI, JI, PPP and ANP are causing serious threats to the monopoly of MQM. 

Emotional attachment of Mohajirs with Altaf Hussain is natural but it is about time that they must understand the ground realities and give someone else a chance to keep them united on one platform. It is a situation similar to South Africa where Nelson Mandela provided alternate leadership to his nation in his life and left no vacuum at the political front. 
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